Project Updates

Pre-75% Design Site Walk and Public Information Meeting – Summary of Comments

Pre-75% Design Site Walk and Public Information Meeting – Summary of Comments

On April 6, 2024, the Community Path Project Committee (CPPC) and the Nitsch Design Team hosted a Community Path Abutter Site Walk to provide an opportunity for abutters and residents to ask questions and provide specific feedback about how they envision the Community Path interfacing with their properties. And, on June 11, 2024, the CPPC and the Nitsch Design Team held a Pre-75% Design Public Information Meeting to provide another opportunity for abutters and interested community members to provide feedback, ask questions, and learn more about the final design process.

To see a summary of the public comments received at the April 6th site walk and the June 11th Public Information Meeting, please click the link below:

Pre-75% Design Public Information Meeting

Pre-75% Design Public Information Meeting

Please join us on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at the Beech Street Center Multi-Purpose Room, 266 Beech Street in Belmont, to view the 75% Design Progress Plans and provide feedback, ask questions, and learn more about the final design process of the proposed Belmont Community Path – Phase 1.

April 2024 Abutter Site Walk

April 2024 Abutter Site Walk

Community residents are invited to join Nitsch Engineering and abutters on another Belmont Community Path Site Walk. The walk will take place on April 6th at 10:00 AM and begin at the western end of the site at 710 Pleasant Street and conclude at the eastern end of the site near 321 Channing Road. This site walk will offer an opportunity for abutters to provide feedback, ask questions, and learn more about ways to get engaged in the final design process. If you would like to get in touch with us, have any design questions or would like to keep updated on any news, please send us a message or subscribe for updates on the website.

MassDOT 25% Design Public Hearing

MassDOT 25% Design Public Hearing

The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed Community Path – Belmont Component of MCRT (Phase I) project. All views and comments submitted in response to the hearing will be reviewed and considered to the maximum extent possible. The proposed consists of the construction of a new paved shared-use path along the Fitchburg Commuter Rail and a new concrete underpass beneath the railroad tracks at Alexander Road to provide a connection from Channing Road to the Belmont High and Middle Schools.

  • The Revised MassDOT Public Hearing Flyer includes LIVE streaming information from Belmont Media Center.

Thursday, March 7, 2024
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Beech Street Center
Multi-Purpose Room
266 Beech Street
Belmont, MA 02478

Project Update (10/17/22)

Project Update (10/17/22)

The Nitsch Design Team met with MassDOT’s reviewers to resolve design review comments regarding the 25% Submission of the Belmont Community Path – Phase 1 in August. The Nitsch Team received additional review comments from the MBTA in September, and we are currently coordinating responses to submit to the MBTA. Once the MBTA is satisfied with the responses, we will work with MassDOT’s Project Manager to schedule the 25% Design Public Hearing. We anticipate the Design Public Hearing will be scheduled by MassDOT within the next couple of months.

25% Public Information Meeting Recap and Opportunity to Comment

25% Public Information Meeting Recap and Opportunity to Comment

On Thursday evening, November 4th, 2021 the Community Path Project Committee (CPPC) held a virtual meeting to provide a project update and present the 25% design of the Belmont Community Path to the public. This meeting also provided an opportunity for community members to offer comments and ask questions about the 25% design. If you were unable to attend the meeting, a copy of the presentation is available for download, along with the 25% design plans, and a forum to share your feedback. The Nitsch team will use the received feedback to prepare the 75% design plans.

25% Submission – Public Information Meeting

25% Submission – Public Information Meeting

On Thursday, November 4th, 2021 at 7:00PM the Community Path Project Committee (CPPC) will be hosting a virtual meeting where the Nitsch Team will present the 25% Submission Plans that were submitted to MassDOT earlier this week. During the meeting attendees will be provided an opportunity to provide comments and ask questions about the preliminary design of the Belmont Community Path. A link for you to download a copy of the 25% design plans is provided below. Following the meeting, we will provide a copy of the presentation from the public meeting and a link to provide additional comments and ask questions on this website. We look forward to seeing you at the public meeting on the 4th.

Project Update (10/1/2021)

Project Update (10/1/2021)

The boring program, necessary for the design of proposed retaining walls and the underpass at Alexander Avenue, has been completed. The next step in the design process is to finish the Geotechnical Report, which will be used to complete the preliminary design. The 25% Design Submission plans and documents are scheduled to be submitted to MassDOT on October 29, 2021.

The Belmont Community Path Project Committee is planning to hold a Public Information Meeting on November 4, 2021 to present the 25% Design Plans. Specific meeting information will be posted as it becomes available.

Project Update (5/6/2021)

Project Update (5/6/2021)

You may have seen our survey crew along the railroad tracks during the last month. We have been obtaining additional survey information including trees and railroad utility locations necessary to advance the preliminary design.

The Design Team met with the MBTA last month to discuss the proposed Community Path design and our proposed construction methods for the Alexander Avenue Underpass. We are adjusting the preliminary design plans to incorporate the comments we received from the MBTA.  We also recently met with several abutters on Brighton Street and Pleasant Street, and we are modifying the design based on the feedback we received at these meetings.

Our geotechnical engineers continue to coordinate the logistics of the proposed boring program with Keolis and the MBTA.  The borings have been scheduled to begin during the first week of June.  Specific boring locations still need to be reviewed by Keolis and actual dates for accessing the MBTA Right-of-way are dependent on Keolis flagger availability. Borings are required to complete the Alexander Avenue Underpass design and the design of new retaining walls along the proposed Community Path.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Website maintained by Nitsch Engineering