Category: Past Events

Summaries of community outreach events

25% Public Information Meeting Recap and Opportunity to Comment

25% Public Information Meeting Recap and Opportunity to Comment

On Thursday evening, November 4th, 2021 the Community Path Project Committee (CPPC) held a virtual meeting to provide a project update and present the 25% design of the Belmont Community Path to the public. This meeting also provided an opportunity for community members to offer comments and ask questions about the 25% design. If you were unable to attend the meeting, a copy of the presentation is available for download, along with the 25% design plans, and a forum to share your feedback. The Nitsch team will use the received feedback to prepare the 75% design plans.

CPPC Public Meeting Recap: July 16, 2020

CPPC Public Meeting Recap: July 16, 2020

On Thursday evening, July 16th, 2020 the Community Path Project Committee (CPPC) held a virtual meeting to provide a project update and present the 25% design progress to the public. This meeting was also an opportunity for community members to react to the progress plans. If you were unable to attend the meeting, a copy of the presentation is available for download, along with the design plans, and a forum to share your feedback until July 31st. The Nitsch team will then use the received feedback to fine-tune the 25 % design plans before submitting them to MassDOT in Fall 2020.

Community Path Project Committee Meeting Details: July 16, 2020

Community Path Project Committee Meeting Details: July 16, 2020

Please join us for a remote meeting to present the progress on the Belmont Community Path Project.

Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 7:00pm

This is in accordance with Governor Baker’s Executive Order of March 12, 2020; “Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law” – All Participation by Committee and Town Residents will be by Remote Access. If the audio becomes unavailable, the meeting will be paused until it can be restored, or the meeting will end.


Public Information Meeting for Phase 1 of the Belmont Community Path Project Draft 25% Design Documents

7:00PM: Meeting called to order

7:05 PM: Introduction by the CPPC

7:15PM: Presentation on 25% design by Nitsch Engineering

8:15PM: Public comments on 25% design

9:30PM: Meeting adjourned


FOR PARTICIPANTS: The Community Path Project Committee meeting will start at 7:00 P.M. and you may join the meeting remotely starting at 6:50 P.M.  The meeting will also be broadcast and recorded by the Belmont Media Center.



Enter your Full Name under participant if you would like to provide comments and feedback (only those with a name entered will be allowed to comment and provide feedback to the CPPC team)

When prompted by the meeting chair, you can “raise your hand” to be recognized by the meeting host

Comments will be limited by the Chair, shall be concise, and shall not repeat previous comments or questions presented by others before you Chair is not obligated to recognize all comments and may end comment period prior to your comment being heard


  • Dial-in: 1-929-205-6099
  • If you would like to provide comments: press *9 when prompted
  • When the host is ready for you, you will be called on by your phone number or name (when prompted always start by presenting your full name)


  • Channel 8 on Comcast
  • Channel 28 or 2130 on Verizon
Community Path Project Committee Meeting Recap: May 14, 2020

Community Path Project Committee Meeting Recap: May 14, 2020

On Thursday evening, May 14th, 2020 the Community Path Project Committee (CPPC) held a virtual meeting and invited Nitsch Engineering to provide an update on the Preliminary Design for Phase 1 of the Belmont Community Path.  We identified how feedback received from the community, MassDOT and the MBTA to date has been integrated into the design.  Community comments such as the desire to maintain the existing vegetated screening and address existing flooding issues on properties along Channing Road have guided the development of the proposed path location and proposed drainage improvements. Comments from MassDOT and the MBTA were extremely helpful in understanding the MBTA’s preferred process for constructing the Alexander Avenue tunnel and providing guidance regarding the MBTA’s minimum offset requirements to accommodate railroad maintenance activities.

The next step in the design process is to prepare preliminary design plans that will be presented at an information meeting.  The CPCC intends to hold a virtual Public Information Meeting at the end of June or early July for the design team to present the preliminary design.

We are very interested in receiving public comments. More information will be provided in the coming weeks about the Public Information Meeting, where to view the preliminary plans, how to provide comments, and how to complete the survey about the Community Path Project. The presentation from the May 14th CPPC Meeting can be viewed here:

Please note: The Concept Design Report dated February 6, 2020 was prepared prior to meetings with the MBTA and does not necessarily reflect the current design shown on the Preliminary Design Plans.

Recap of November 2019 Abutter Site Walk

Recap of November 2019 Abutter Site Walk

Thank you to everyone who joined us on our site walk on November 16th. About 30 neighbors abutting the future Community Path came out to gain an understanding of the project scope while also having the opportunity to voice their concerns about the project. Privacy, security, noise, drainage issues, and parking were the primary concerns that attendees mentioned. We’re working on design solutions some of which include setback requirements, screening, and vegetation. For those of you who were not able to attend, we were able to spend time investigating the site and neighboring properties, making longer stops at three points along with the project site. The walk began at the western end of the site at 17 Channing Street and continued to the Alexander Ave Underpass and concluded at the eastern end of the project area around 321 Channing Street.  Several abutters invited the project team into their back yards to view the planned community path from their yards. Overall, this site walk offered a great opportunity for us to listen to the concerns of those neighboring the project and to address them as best we can. If you were not able to attend this event, there will be additional opportunities to voice concerns and gain a better understanding of the Belmont Community Path project in the near future. If you want to get in touch with us or have any more design questions or would like to keep updated on any news, please send us a message or subscribe for updates in the sidebar on the right!

Views of Project Site

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